Morph x Domin

Dear Morph Community, 

We’re incredibly excited to announce our partnership with Domin Network, our newest ally in the consumer blockchain space. Known as “The Open Network to Connect Web3 & IRL”, Domin Network's mission matches our goal to create a more seamless, user-friendly blockchain with real-world value for consumers. 

What is Domin Network?  

This pioneering platform leverages blockchain technology to aggregate real-world consumer data for a novel redemption system that upholds user ownership. Whether we examine an individual blockchain or a larger network with multiple interconnected layers, there is always an unequivocal boundary that marks the division between the on- and off-chain realms. Off-chain commercial data isn’t just inaccessible to blockchains, it’s also fragmented across distinct centralized systems with no synchronization or formatting standards. Consumers must contend with arbitrary regional regulations, corporations that operate with little transparency, and the ever-present risk of data loss through degradation, points of failure, and other inherent weaknesses with traditional systems. 

Domin Network solves every one of these challenges. It cleverly employs NFTs as a connecting element between blockchain DApps and traditional apps. It has integrated over 10 thousand application devices making countless types of diverse IRL data usable on-chain. Domin Network also makes tokenizing real-world data possible on any Decentralized Private Information Network (DePIN) through its open-source modular technology, encouraging permissionless and composable development. Last but not least, the project uses a trusted data rollup process with authorization proofs to ensure consumer data is available with high integrity, reliability, and process transparency.

Domin Network’s Tech 

Domin Network has created a roll-up L2-like system that integrates sophisticated mechanisms specifically designed for secure and transparent consumer data management.

Dual-Node Structure

Domin Network employs a dual-node structure consisting of Authorizer Nodes and Operator Nodes. Authorizer Nodes handle fundamental security tasks and ensure that Consumer Authorization Proofs (CAPs) can be generated. CAPs are verifiable proofs of consumer consent for data usage (embedded into the metadata of the NFTs). Operator Nodes process transactions, adapting quickly to business needs. They submit transactions and work under the guidelines set by the Authorizer Nodes, preparing data for tokenization.

This setup enhances security and flexibility, ensuring that consumers can trust that their data is handled securely and with their explicit consent.

Trusted Data Rollup Process

Domin Network employs a hybrid rollup mechanism that combines elements of both Optimistic and ZK Rollups to balance scalability and security. Transactions are submitted with guarantees that CAPs can be generated. Other nodes can challenge the validity of a transaction within a specified period, ensuring only legitimate transactions are processed. Once validated, transactions are finalized, tokenized, and recorded on the blockchain, making them available for relevant dApps to offer tailored content and discounts.

NFT Integration

Domin Network utilizes Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) to bridge real-world consumer data and blockchain applications. Real-world consumer data is tokenized into NFTs, each representing a unique piece of data, such as purchase history, preferences, or other personal information. By using NFTs, Domin ensures that each piece of data is securely stored on the blockchain and can be traced back to the consumer. This makes the data tamper-proof and verifiable. Multi-redeemable NFTs (ERC-6672 Standard) can carry programmable data and be redeemed multiple times for various benefits, such as discounts, access to exclusive content, or rewards.

Putting It All Together

Data or behavior from off-chain activities is processed through Domin Network, making it usable by relevant dApps. For example, purchasing a sneaker through an e-commerce platform or physical store generates off-chain consumer data that is captured and processed through Domin network's various mechanisms described above. This data can then be viewed and used by a blockchain game to reward the user with a digital version of the sneaker for their in-game character.

Similarly, on-chain actions processed through Domin Network allow for redeeming benefits via IRL systems like vending machines, e-commerce platforms, POS, physical stores, and ticketing systems. For example, purchasing an on-chain in-game skin is an action/data that once processed through Domin Network can then function as a voucher for IRL merch or discounts at physical and online stores. 

How Partnering with Domin Network Benefits Morph

Domin Network stands out as a leader in connecting IRL commerce and consumer data with blockchain, making it an ideal partner for Morph. With a shared focus on consumer data, this partnership improves the way we integrate blockchain technology into everyday life.

At Morph, our mission is to create a blockchain ecosystem of user-friendly applications that seamlessly blend into daily routines, becoming indispensable utilities. Achieving this goal requires robust connections between on-chain services and off-chain systems. Until now, no project has fully dedicated itself to this mission. While many projects offer some level of real-world interactivity, their scope and capabilities are often limited.

Domin Network changes the game. This partnership eliminates the need for redundant efforts with limited outcomes. With this partnership, Morph gains instant access to an optimized and well-designed bridge connecting our on-chain dApps to tens of thousands of off-chain devices, data types, and application scenarios. This enables us to create new business and loyalty models that attract real-world consumers to our on-chain services, offering exclusive benefits.

Moreover, Domin Network’s focus on data ownership and control aligns perfectly with our philosophy of decentralization. We prioritize the needs and rights of consumers, ensuring that they maintain control over their data in a transparent and secure environment. This partnership enhances our ability to deliver a seamless, user-friendly blockchain experience, driving wider adoption and innovation.

We are excited about the remarkable advancements this collaboration will bring, moving us closer to our vision of making blockchain an everyday utility. Join us on this transformative journey as we continue to build a resilient and consumer-centric blockchain ecosystem with Domin Network. Stay tuned for more updates and developments from this partnership.

Best regards,

The Morph Team