The Genesis Jungle

Genesis Jungle

Hey Adventurers,

Following our impressive Testnet rollout, we at Morph are buzzing with excitement! Every step we have taken so far reflects our deep commitment to transforming the blockchain landscape into a space where you, the user, truly comes first. We have poured our hearts into creating something different, and we can’t wait to unveil the new features that set us apart.

To bring you closer to exciting developments, we’re thrilled to introduce Morph Zoo—a multiphase service designed to engage, reward, and celebrate the incredible communities that are thriving in our testnet and eventually, a celebration of our mainnet. We want you to be deeply involved in our ecosystem, where your needs drive our innovation and where your feedback allows us to move forward.

The first season kicks off May 13 with The Genesis Jungle, and here's the rundown:

Enter the Genesis Jungle

Imagine traversing a vibrant digital wilderness filled with leading dApps waiting to be explored . As travelers in this new, green world, your curiosity is not only welcome—it’s rewarded. Each and every interaction you find on our platform earns you Morph Points. These points are not just numbers; They represent your active role and incredible contribution to our ecosystem.

These points will be critical for future airdrops and can be redeemed for prizes we will reveal along the way. We promise that the rewards will reflect our passion and commitment to our community—think access, opportunities, and a vote in future decision-making discussions.

 Ways to Earn in the Jungle

There are three main adventures to embark on in the Genesis Jungle, each offering unique ways to earn Morph Points:

Discovery Trail: Trek through a lush world of new dApps, uncovering Morph Points at every turn.
Voice of the Jungle: Cast your votes to help shape the ecosystem. Make your voice heard and collect Morph Points.
Partners' Expedition: Journey through our partners' domains to expand your knowledge and network, all while accumulating points.

Closing Out

As we add up the points at the close of the Genesis Jungle, remember, this isn’t just a contest—it’s an invitation. Participating in the Genesis Jungle means joining a movement that envisions blockchain as integral and seamless to daily life as any other app or service you love. By coming aboard, you’re helping to bring to life a vision of a blockchain that invisibly powers our everyday experiences.

The Genesis Jungle is your stepping stone into a more accessible ecosystem where your actions and insights help us craft a consumer-centric blockchain that truly resonates with its users.

If you’re as excited as we are to start this journey, head over to the official Morph homepage for all the details and how to get started.

Here’s to a wild, enlightening adventure!